December 20, 2007 Regular Meeting
Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order1. Attendance Minutes: Present: Carol Vallencourt, District No. 1; Carol Studdard, District No. 2; Charles Van Zant, Jr., District No. 3; Wayne Bolla, District No. 4; and Lisa Graham, District No. 5. Superintendent David Owens was also present for the meeting.
Consent AgendaSuperintendent
2. C-1 Minutes of student hearings, organization meeting, and regular meeting on November 20, 2007Attachment: Nov2007Disc.pdf (Confidential Item) Attachment: Nov2007Organiz.pdf Attachment: Nov2007Reg.pdf Deputy Superintendent
3. C-3 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2007-2008Attachment: Proposed Allocation Changes for 2007-2008.pdf 4. C-3A Agreement between Clay County School Board and Clay County Sheriff's Office for Purchase of Gasoline at Middleburg Facility Human Resources
5. C-5 2007-2008 Salary Schedule AmendmentsAttachment: Minimum Wage Increase 2008.pdf 6. C-6 Personnel Consent AgendaAttachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 12-07.pdf Instruction
7. C-7 Co-Enrollee list for November 2007Attachment: Co-Enrollee list for November 2007.pdf (Confidential Item) 8. C-8 Charter School Application Exception 9. C-9 Student TravelAttachment: BACKUP-DECEMBER, 2007.pdf 10. C-10 Clay County Charter School Plan and ApplicationAttachment: Charter Schools Board Plan 12 07.pdf Attachment: Charter Schools Application 12 07.pdf Attachment: charter application evaulation rubric.pdf 11. C-11 Bannerman Learning Center Placements in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School UpdateAttachment: BLC placements Dec 07.pdf Business Affairs
12. C-12 Warrants and Vouchers for NOVEMBER, 2007Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS.xls 13. C-13 Write Off Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Checks at Lakeside Junior High 14. C-14 Monthly Property Report - November, 2007 - Furniture/EquipmentAttachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-November, 07.pdf 15. C-15 Monthly Property Report - November, 2007 - AV Materials Attachment: Audiovisual Report-November, 07.pdf 16. C-16 Monthly Property Report - November, 2007 - SoftwareAttachment: Software Report-November, 07.pdf 17. C-17 Monthly Property Report - November. 2007 - VehiclesAttachment: Vehicles Report-November, 07.pdf 18. C-18 Deletion of Certain Items Report - December, 2007Attachment: Monthly Deletion Report-December, 07.pdf Attachment: Monthly Deletion Report (Attachments)-December, 07.pdf 19. C-19 Monthly Financial Report for November, 2007Attachment: MONTHLY FINANCIAL NOV, 2007.xls 20. C-20 Budget Amendments for the Month of November, 2007Attachment: Budget Amendments Cover Sheet Nov 2007.pdf Attachment: General Fund - Revenue.xls Attachment: General Fund - Appropriations.xls Attachment: Debt Service.xls Attachment: Capital Projects.xls Attachment: Food Service.xls Attachment: Special Revenue - Other.xls Attachment: Internal Service Funds.xls 21. C-21 Bid Renewals December 2007 22. C-22 Bids to Be Awarded December 2007 Support Services
23. C-23 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Re-Roofing Buildings 1 & 2 at Keystone Heights High School 24. C-24 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Re-Roofing Buildings 1, 2, 3 & 4 at Lake Asbury Elementary School 25. C-25 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications to Replace Transite Panels and Doors on the East Walls, Buildings 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 at Keystone Heights Elementary School 26. C-26 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Duct Board Replacement B-3C at Clay High School 27. C-27 Pre-Qualification of ContractorsAttachment: Prequal Backup.pdf 28. C-28 Right-Of-Way Easement with Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. for Shadowlawn ElementaryAttachment: CEC Easement Shadowlawn.pdf 29. C-29 Surrender and Termination of Easement Rights at Shadowlawn ElementaryAttachment: S & T Easement Shadowlawn.pdf 30. C-30 Schematic (Phase I) Plans and Specifications for Elementary School Y 31. C-31 Final Plans and Specifications for Thunderbolt Elementary Parking/Drive Improvements 32. C-32 Final Plans and Specifications for Middleburg Elementary Parking/Drive Improvements 33. C-33 Final Plans and Specifications for District Office Parking/Drive Improvements 34. C-34 Easement with Double Branch Community Development District for OakLeaf Village ElementaryAttachment: Double Branch Easement.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda35. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items Minutes: Consent Items C-2 and C-4 were moved to Discussion by Mr. Bolla.
Motions: | Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of those moved to Discussion. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Charlie VanZant | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Recognitions and Awards36. Board Member Recognition Minutes: Mr. Van Zant, Sr., was publicly recognized and thanked for his dedicated service on the School Board as an Interim Member during the absence of his son, Charles Van Zant, Jr. Mr. Van Zant, Jr., served an 18-month call to active duty with the Florida National Guard, with 12 of those months being spent in Kuwait. Mr. Van Zant, Sr. was appointed by the Governor on May 23, 2007 to serve on the Clay County School Board until his son's release from active duty.
37. Recognize Green Cove Springs Junior High as the school having the highest percentage of employees attending the 2007 Health Fair (Sheila Gann) Minutes: Dr. Hatcher was present to accept the award. GCSJH will also enjoy a catered lunch by Carabba's.
Scheduled Citizen Requests (None) Presenters (None) Discussion AgendaSuperintendent
38. C-2 (Bolla) Establish Clay Today and My Clay Sun (Florida Times-Union) as the official publications for required School Board advertising
Motions: | Approve the Clay Today and the My Clay Sun (Florida Times-Union) as official publications for required School Board advertising. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Wayne Bolla | Second: Carol Vallencourt | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Deputy Superintendent
39. Public Hearing for CCSB Policy 6GX-10-5.02 General Policies, G.6 Registration FeesAttachment: CCSB - Policy 5.02 General Policies - Public Hearing.pdf Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one present to speak to the item.
Motions: | Approve policy as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Charlie VanZant | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
40. Public Hearing for CCSB Policy 6GX-10-6.01 Educational & Ancillary Facilities, B. Annual Architect/Engineer SelectionAttachment: CCSB - Policy 6.01 Educational & Ancillary Facilities - Public Hearing.pdf Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one present to speak to the item.
Motions: | Approve policy as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Human Resources
41. C-4 (Bolla) Superintendent's Salary for 2007-2008Attachment: SUPERINTENDENT.pdf Minutes: Mr. Bolla pulled this item to discuss the Board's contribution to the state's recommended salary. Following lengthy discussion, Mr. Van Zant called for the question. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Vallencourt. The motion passed 4-1, with Mr. Bolla dissenting.
Motions: | Recommend approval of the salary as proposed. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Charlie VanZant | Wayne Bolla | - Nay | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
42. The School District of Clay County’s Participation in the Florida School Board Association’s Exclusivity Appeals/LawsuitAttachment: Charter School Sole Responsibility Denial.pdf
Motions: | Recommend participation in the lawsuit. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Wayne Bolla | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Business Affairs
43. Review of District's Investments in Florida Local Government Investment Pool(LGIP), Managed by State Board of Administration Minutes: The SBA has engaged BlackRock to undertake an assessment of the current status of the investments of the Local Government Investment Pool. Two pools were created, LGIP Pool A (will be run as a cash vehicle for investors) and LGIP Pool B (will contain the distressed assets). We currently have 86% in Pool A and 14% in Pool B. New funds deposited into Fund A will not be subject to "redemption fees" to 2%, however, we will continue to divert all incoming revenues directly to Wachovia.
Support Services
44. Review Recommended New School and Revised Attendance Boundaries and Authorize Advertisement for School Board Consideration on January 17, 2008Attachment: CCSBAttendanceBoundary122007.pdf Minutes: With the Board's consent, this item was heard first on the discussion agenda. The following citizen was present to speak to the item: John Chappell.
Motions: | Approve the authorization to advertise recommended attendance boundaries. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Vallencourt | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Presentations from the Audience Superintendent Requests45. Update on Transportation Issues Minutes: The County Public Works Department has inspected the walk paths in question in the Bear Run subdivision and has agreed to clean them up. School principals are marking all entry points to their schools.
46. New Mass Communication System Minutes: Mr. Elliott briefly explained the new system called ParentLink. The system will allow us communicate with parents during emergencies or about special events. A test message from the Superintendent went out to all parents tonight (December 20).
47. Reminder: School Board Workshop on January 24, 2008 (4:00 p.m.) to review Clay County's Records Management Plan School Board's Requests48. Property Tax Restructure Minutes: (Mr. Van Zant) If lawmakers in Tallahassee do not hold public education harmless as they have indicated, a proposed constitutional amendment to change the property tax structure in Florida could result in significant revenue losses to school districts across the state. Information will be placed in the school district's newsletter to educate employees and parents on the impact of this amendment should it pass.
49. Coordinator of Facility Planning position Minutes: (Mr. Bolla). There was brief discussion about the position being vacant and the need to expand our search for qualified applicants.
50. Legislative Priorities Minutes: (Mr. Bolla) In response to Mr. Bolla's inquiry, the Legislative Priorities will be brought to the School Board at the January meeting for approval.
Adjournment (9:05 p.m.) |